

No one belongs in a box. We are all unique. Each and everyone of us has many talents that lie dormant.This hunch has been with me since I was a child. Deep inside of me, I knew that I am more. My mind kept trying to lead me astray. I attempted to curate my gifts through discipline and diligence and in doing so, I ended up burying them even deeper.

The turning point came many years later with the discovery of my spiritual heart. I gave it all of my attention and all by itself inspiration began to flow out of me. The heart does not want to grasp and hold on to things – it wants to share. It does not want to be admired – it wants to encourage others.

It doesn’t want products – it wants true art. My heart has revealed all this to me. The journey is not over yet. For in the end, there is only one big heart. It connects us all together and we will not reach our destination until we are united again as one in humanity. We cannot afford to leave even one person behind. So let’s go on this journey together!

Who is Nobo?

Nobo is a solo-project by Marc Stollreiter. A German mulit-instrumentalist who combines
singer-songwriter with indie rock elements. Nobo aims at creating a heartfelt atmosphere.
The spiritual messages in his lyrics are drawn from the beauty of life. His music is
influenced by timeless legends such as ”Queen” and ”The Beatles”. Nobo’s album and
two EPs have quickly built him a respectable discography for the listener to discover.
Nobo’s lyrics invite the listener to let themself be captured by it’s big soulful soundscapes.
Sit back and enjoy life in it’s simplest form. Wherever you are or whatever you do, Nobo is
here for you!

Why „Nobo?“
In my life, there have always been two great passions: Psychology and music. Psychology evolved into spirituality. This is reflected in my current lyrics. For many years I had a love – hate relationship with music. An unhealthy ambition undermined my authentic expression. For many years my focus was fixated on my person and not on my music. I am often asked „Where does the name NOBO come from?“ In fact, it was my nickname in my youth. Unfortunately the story behind the name isn’t as one would hope. One day I walked into my classroom and my friends had made an apparatus. They called it „Strike Nobo!“, in reference to „high striker“, a fairground game. I happily played along without knowing that I was the joke. After a while, some of the kids let me in on the joke. They started to tease me by calling me „Nockenbock“ (a slur on my last name „Stollreiter“). Nobo was the short form.

Despite everything, I was glad to finally have a nickname. Where it came from, very few people knew. When I later formed a rock band with the same friends, I was quickly known throughout school as Nobo. When people asked me if Nobo was the abbreviation for „nobody“, I let them believe it. So much for the origin of the name. In fact, I grew to appreciate its meaning over time. After school I moved to Vienna to study. The name was forgotten. Only years later, when I was looking for a stage name, I remembered Nobo. Suddenly, looking back, it all seemed like a coincidence.
Without knowing it, my friends at the time had probably already foreseen my spiritual path – after many years of meditation, a fundamental awakening had indeed taken place in me. I recognized myself as a nobody, as a pure soul. I realized that self-realization isn’t about being famous or respected. It’s about being a nobody. From here on out, it was all about the music. You see, as a nobody I don’t have to prove anything. No matter what I do, my sense of self-worth is no longer at stake. I can simply follow my heart. That’s what I’m doing today. Every day I realize: there’s always