His music sounds universally relevant, filling a void in today’s music you might not have realized was there.Heis one of the rare artists whose songsyou would instantly recognize. Due to his excellence as a storyteller, it is easy for fans to feel intimately close with his feelings, inspirations andaspirations. Moreover, he has surrounded himself with exceptionally talented musicians to bring his vision to life. The chord progression will beengaging to any pop or rock fan, while the leaping joyous energy and studio gleam give the track its ascension.Delivered with incredible study,precision and passion, the songs are populated with show-stealing vocals. Nobo’svocals soar above the uplifting music, which is filled with richlylayered harmonies and an expansive musical arrangement. Nobo, just as many of history’s greatest songwriters, elevates the personal into theuniversal on“The Best Way To Be Free”.
„No one belongs in a box. We are all unique.
Each and everyone of us has many talents that lie dormant“
– nobo –
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